Freelance writing is a popular remote job that pays well. Writers can create content for blogs, websites, articles, or even books. Depending on experience, pay can range from $0.05 to $1 or more per word.
VAs provide administrative support to businesses, often handling tasks like emails, scheduling, and data entry. Hourly rates range from $15 to $30, with experienced VAs earning more.
Many companies hire remote customer service agents to assist customers over phone or chat. Pay typically starts at around $12-$20 per hour.
If you have expertise in a subject, you can tutor students online. Tutors for standardized tests or difficult subjects can earn anywhere from $20 to $60 per hour.
Social media managers create and schedule content, run ads, and engage with followers. Experienced managers can earn $20 to $50 per hour or more.
Data entry roles involve inputting information into digital formats. These jobs often offer flexible schedules and pay around $10-$20 per hour.
Graphic designers create logos, websites, ads, and more. Designers with strong portfolios can earn $25 to $100 per hour or take on project-based rates.