In the recent episode of Bigg Boss 18 aired on November 3, 2024, contestant Rajat Dalal made headlines with his aggressive confrontations, particularly targeting Avinash Mishra and Vivian Dsena.
The drama unfolded during a heated discussion about the house’s menu, where Rajat hurled insults at Avinash
Calling him derogatory names such as "ch*tiya" and suggesting that he could "clean toilets with his tongue" in a particularly vulgar taunt directed at Vivian
Rajat's confrontational demeanor was noted as he expressed a desire for conflict, claiming he could teach Vivian a lesson but was restrained by contractual obligations.
This outburst occurred after a disagreement over coffee being categorized as a luxury rather than a basic necessity
The tensions escalated further when Rajat mocked Vivian's authority in the house, criticizing his management of the situation and favoring certain contestants
This episode has intensified the ongoing rivalries within the house, showcasing Rajat's controversial personality and setting the stage for more dramatic interactions in future episodes.