Your best bet is to stop crabgrass before it starts. “Crabgrass is easily controlled using a pre-emergent herbicide.”
There are many different products you can use. Pre-emergent active ingredients often include: Dithiopyr Pendimethalin Prodiamine
If you didn’t get pre-emergent down at the optimal time, you can dig up baby crabgrass plants by hand when they have only two to three leaves and before they produce seeds.
Post-emergent herbicides include active ingredients such as: Quinclorac Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl
Post-emergent herbicides include active ingredients such as: Quinclorac Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl
Mow regularly and at the proper height for your type of grass. One size doesn’t fit all. For example, the ideal mowing height for zoysia is between 1 to 2.5 inches, while Kentucky blue is between 2.5 and 3.5 inches.
Water deeply and infrequently. Frequent, light watering encourages weeds to pop up and turf to form shallow roots.