Health Benefits Of Eating Gur Chana In Winter

Chickpeas are rich in fibre that improves digestion, and digestive enzymes help prevent constipation. It helps regulate better bowel movements.

Gur chana is low in gymeic index. It helps stabilise blood sugar levels in diabetics. It helps prevent sudden sugar levels from spiking.

Eating gur chana helps ease period cramps. It provides iron and also improves blood circulation.

Gur chana is rich in gylycolic acid that helps reduce fine lines and uneven skin tone. It helps improve overall skin health.

Gur chana is rich in potassium and magnesium, which help regulate blood pressure. It also reduce inflammation and prevents the risk of heart disease.

These are a few health benefits of eating gur chana in winter. However, it is always advisable to consult a dietician.