Chanakya Niti: Don't invite these 6 types of people at your home

According to Chanakya Niti, an ancient philosophical guide by Chanakya, there are six types of people you should avoid inviting into your home:

Clever and Deceptive Individuals: These people are skilled at manipulation and can play tricks with your mind. They may appear friendly but can lead you into traps.

Opportunists: Those who only show up when they need something are not true friends. Genuine friends support you in tough times, while opportunists take advantage of your kindness.

Hurtful People: Avoid individuals who intentionally cause harm to others without remorse. Their toxic behavior can negatively impact your well-being.

Ignorant Individuals: Chanakya advised against associating with those who lack knowledge of the Vedas, as they often lack important life values and can spread ignorance.

Fake Friends: Be wary of those who seem honest but speak ill of you behind your back. Such people can betray your trust and damage your reputation.

Negative Thinkers: Individuals who constantly express negativity can bring down your spirits and create a pessimistic atmosphere in your home.