The Taurid meteor shower consists of two branches: the Southern Taurids, which peak on the night of November 4-5, 2024, and the Northern Taurids, peaking on November 12.
The best time to observe the Southern Taurids is around midnight, when they are highest in the sky and less affected by moonlight, providing optimal visibility for stargazers
Viewing Conditions: Date: Southern Taurids peak overnight from November 4 to 5; Northern Taurids peak on November 12.
Time: Best viewed post-midnight, particularly between 1 AM and 2 AM45.
Location: Seek dark areas away from city lights for minimal light pollution. Allow about 30 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark
The Southern Taurids are known for producing bright fireballs, occasionally visible even in urban settings.
Expect to see about five meteors per hour at peak times, with some particularly bright ones lighting up the night sky