Allen’s Hummingbird The Allen’s hummingbird is a very early migrant among North American birds, leaving its wintering grounds in Mexico in December.
Anna’s Hummingbird One of the most common hummingbird species along the Pacific Coast, Anna’s stays there year-round, often the only hummingbird species present.
Black-Chinned Hummingbird This hummingbird species has no striking plumage. But, it’s found in a wide swath of the western U.S. and is pretty easy to attract to a feeding station.
Broad-Billed Hummingbird The medium-sized, broad-billed hummingbird is gorgeous, with the males featuring brilliant green-and-blue feathers and a bright-red beak.
Buff-Bellied Hummingbird This bird with the sandy-colored belly is the only hummingbird that regularly nests in southern Texas.
Calliope Hummingbird The calliope hummingbird is the smallest in all of North America. It is about three inches long and weighs one-tenth of an ounce.
Costa’s Hummingbird This hummingbird species loves the desert, mainly hanging out in Arizona and California.